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Why is my gummy not setting?

Author: CC

Mar. 26, 2024

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Why is my gummy not setting? This is a common question that many people ask when their homemade gummies turn out too soft or sticky. There are a few possible reasons why your gummy candies are not setting properly, and understanding these reasons can help you troubleshoot and improve your gummy making skills.

The most likely reason for your gummy candies not setting is that you did not use enough gelatin. Gelatin is the key ingredient that gives gummies their chewy texture, and if you don't use enough of it, your gummies will not set properly. Make sure to follow the recipe carefully and measure out the gelatin accurately to ensure that your gummies turn out just right.

Why is my gummy not setting?

Another possible reason for your gummy candies not setting is that you did not let the mixture cool enough before pouring it into the molds. If the mixture is too hot when you pour it, the gelatin may not be able to set properly, resulting in gummies that are soft and sticky. To avoid this, make sure to let the mixture cool for a few minutes before pouring it into the molds.

Additionally, the type of fruit juice or puree that you use can also affect the setting of your gummy candies. Some fruits contain enzymes that can break down the gelatin and prevent it from setting properly. If you are using fresh fruit juice or puree, it's a good idea to heat it up before adding it to the gelatin mixture to deactivate these enzymes.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why your gummy candies may not be setting properly. By ensuring that you use enough gelatin, letting the mixture cool before pouring, and choosing the right fruit juice or puree, you can improve the texture and consistency of your homemade gummies. With a bit of practice and attention to detail, you can enjoy delicious, perfectly set gummy candies every time.

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