What should you put down before laying artificial grass?

Author: Helen

Feb. 21, 2024


Achieving a lush, green lawn without the hassle of regular maintenance is a dream for many homeowners. Artificial grass provides a solution to this, giving you a beautiful looking lawn all year round with minimal effort. However, before you can install artificial grass, there are a few key steps you need to take to ensure a successful and long-lasting result. In this article, we will discuss what you should put down before laying artificial grass to help you achieve the perfect lawn for your home.

**Preparation is Key**.

Before you start laying artificial grass, it's important to prepare the area properly to ensure a smooth and durable finish. The first step is to remove any existing grass, weeds, or debris from the area where you will be laying the artificial grass. This will create a clean and even surface for the new lawn to be installed on.

What should you put down before laying artificial grass?

**Lay a Weed Membrane**.

Once the area is clear, the next step is to lay a weed membrane. This membrane is essential for preventing weeds from growing up through the artificial grass and ruining the overall appearance. The membrane should be laid over the entire area, ensuring that it is secure and covers the entire surface. This will help to keep your artificial lawn looking pristine for years to come.

**Create a Stable Base**.

After laying the weed membrane, it's important to create a stable base for your artificial grass to sit on. This can be done using a layer of type 1 MOT aggregate, which should be evenly spread and compacted to create a firm foundation. This will help to prevent the artificial grass from sinking or shifting over time, ensuring that it stays in place and looks great for years to come.

**Add a Layer of Sand**.

Once the base is in place, adding a layer of sand can help to further stabilize the artificial grass and provide a cushioning effect. The sand should be spread evenly over the surface and brushed into the artificial grass fibers. This will help to keep the grass in place and prevent it from shifting or moving, even in high-traffic areas.

**Install the Artificial Grass**.

With the preparation complete, it's time to lay the artificial grass. Carefully roll out the grass over the prepared area, making sure that it is positioned correctly and fits neatly into place. Once the grass is in position, trim any excess material and secure the edges using adhesive or lawn pins to keep it in place. This will help to give your artificial lawn a clean and professional finish.


In conclusion, proper preparation is key to ensuring the success of your artificial grass installation. By following these steps and putting down the necessary materials before laying the grass, you can create a beautiful and long-lasting lawn for your home. Whether you are looking to enjoy a maintenance-free lawn or simply enjoy the beauty of a lush green garden all year round, artificial grass can provide the perfect solution. Contact us today for more information on how to achieve the perfect artificial lawn for your home.

>Contact us for more information on how to achieve the perfect artificial lawn for your home.

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