Strictly control the consumption of garbage and plastic bags

Author: Hou

Feb. 21, 2024

Regarding the discussion of plastic bag charges, some people do not fully understand its ultimate purpose. Most of them focus on the fact that they feel sorry for themselves and need to pay. Over time, this amount of money is quite a lot. They even think that the supermarket charges 5 cents or 1 jiao for a mere plastic bag, which is really "good money".

I wonder why we dont think more deeply about environmental protection: 1. Why is there a need for compulsory charging? 2. Why cant we clearly understand the role of fees? The ultimate goal of the new measure of paying for plastic bags is to stop people from using them excessively and creating excess waste at will.

Why don't you tell yourself: Change the habit of being spoiled by supermarkets in the past; plastic bags belong to supermarkets and stores and cannot be used at will. For the sake of the earth's ecology, take a big step away from old habits. When you need a plastic bag, don't feel bad for those 5 minutes. Is it difficult?

In some discussions, it is believed that plastic bags can be easily discarded for household food waste packaging and used for a second time, but the persuasiveness is very weak. Paid plastic bags can also be used to collect food waste. To put it bluntly, I still refuse to pay.

Why do people have trouble accepting payment? My understanding is that paying for plastic bags makes them feel "lost", whereas in the past, taking them at will was a "gain". From gains to losses, it feels difficult. Please change your mind and regard kitchen waste as your own excrement. Household toilet paper has always been purchased at your own expense. You must use plastic bags to discard garbage. Is it reasonable to pay for it yourself?

biodegradable bag.webp

Some people think that businesses can make a lot of money from plastic bags, so they might as well bring their own shopping bags. The government should urge businesses to give 70% of their revenue from plastic bags to environmental organizations to expand funds for environmental maintenance.

I don't see a big problem with putting vegetables with laundry detergent. Dont fruits and vegetables need to be washed before eating? Why separate packaging? I saw those picky people in the supermarket using plastic bags in an exaggerated manner. Vegetables, fish and meat have already been packaged, and they asked the staff to separate them again. Large plastic bags require two to be packed on top of each other.

Household food waste can actually be reduced to a minimum. My kitchen waste is only tea residues, vegetable stems, tomato peels and the like. I eat apples with their seeds and skins. The most nutritious thing is the seeds. I also eat mango peel and pumpkin peel. When cooking, control the amount of food you eat. There should be no leftover rice and not a drop of soup left. If you pay attention to kitchen management and check with your family every day whether you want to go home for dinner, you can greatly reduce kitchen waste.

In the Netherlands, if we want to store food waste, we have to buy a food waste bag made of flour, which is more expensive than plastic garbage bags. I only use a few when it's cold. This kind of food waste bag will automatically decompose after a few days. We dispose of food waste in biodegradable green bins. As for the garbage that cannot be put into the sorting bin, in our area, the garbage man will come to collect it every four weeks.

I hope to see our government distribute more sorting bins, cultivate the habit of sorting garbage among the people, and ask people to fulfill their responsibilities, sort and discard as much as possible; buy less, eat less, use less, and create as little garbage as possible.

The most direct way to reduce the use of plastic bags is to widely use recycled paper bags. Almost all goods in the Netherlands are packaged in paper bags. I would also like to see more recycled paper bag factories appear in our country to produce for self-demand and facilitate recycling.




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